EPP Code transfer domain

EPP Code transfer Domain functions as a domain password that is used to transfer domains to other registrars / providers. Some other commonly used terms such as EPP Code, Authorization Code, Authorization Code, Secret Code and so on.

Please note thats Not all registrars / domain providers provide EPP Code transfer domain features for various reasons and policies made by domain registrars (please contact your domain registrar if the EPP Code feature is not available). e-Padi.com gives full domain access rights to customers, including access to get the EPP domain code, how to view EPP Code as follows:
1. Login to the member area https://login.e-padi.com
2. Click the Domains tab
3. Click the Active button on the selected domain
4. On the Manage tab, click the Get EPP Code button
5. EPP information messages Domain code will appear as below:
The EPP code for Your domain is: EhstUtM^iw

Please contact us if the EPP Code transfer domain menu is not available to your member area. See complete domain price lists at cheap Domain Names.

Thank you, Hopefully this article useful.

  • epp code, transfer domain, authorization code, secret code, kode epp domain
  • 35 Users Found This Useful
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